Wednesday, November 21, 2007

From the Immigrants' Perspective

This came to me from someone in the immigrant community. The perspective it offers is profound and moving:

The immigrant community says

What would you do if:

You were stereotyped, profiled, stopped and harassed due to the colorof your skin?

·You could not vote and make changes in unfair and immoral policies targeting YOU?

·You were separated from your family and incarcerated?

·Your child came home, found you had been taken, and your location unknown?

·You had no set future to look forward to?

·Your child's education was deliberately limited?

·You paid taxes and social security without any returns or benefits?

·You had no healthcare coverage?

·Your cultural, spirituality, diversity, and traditions were not accepted?

·You served and gave your life for this country, and it turned it's back on you and your loved ones?

We ALSO have a dream!

· To keep our families united.

·To continue contributing to the state and national economy.

·To be free of indiscriminate raids, deportations and employer sanctions,

·To have a real immigration reform that does not simply reduce us to the level of a modern slave (guest worker.)

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